
class lsst.ts.MTDome.LcsStatus

Bases: lsst.ts.MTDome.mock_llc.base_mock_llc.BaseMockStatus

Represents the status of the Louvers Control System in simulation mode.

If the position of a louver is non-zero, it is considered OPEN even if it only is 1% open. If the position of a louver is zero, it is considered closed.

Methods Summary

closeLouvers() Close all louvers.
determine_status(current_tai) Determine the status of the Lower Level Component and store it in the llc_status dict.
setLouvers(position) Set the position of the louver with the given louver_id.
stopLouvers() Stop all motion of all louvers.

Methods Documentation


Close all louvers.


Determine the status of the Lower Level Component and store it in the llc_status dict.


Set the position of the louver with the given louver_id.

position: array of float

An array with the positions (percentage) to set the louvers to. 0 means closed, 180 means wide open, -1 means do not move. These limits are not checked.


Stop all motion of all louvers.